2. Big current microtron. Sov.Phys.JETP,1960, v12(4),p693, with S.P.Kapitza, V.N.Melekhin (Russ)
3. Microtron with great effectiveness. Sov.Phys.JETP, 1961, v14(2), p266, with S.P.Kapitza, V.N.Melekhin (Russ)
4. Study of electron bunches of microtron. Sov.Phys.JETP, 1961, v13(6), p1169 (Russ)
5. Nonuniformity of magnetic field in microtron and its influence on particle motion. J.Techn.Phys., 1963, v33(3), p337 (Russ)
10. Rays and modes in open resonators. Sov.Phys.Doklady,1965,v162(1),p46
11. Threedimensional modes in geometrical optics of open resonators. in book "Great power electronics"1965,N4,p66,ed.by P.L.Kapitza (Russ)
12. Ray theory of open resonators and open waveguides. Radiotechnics and electronics, 1966, v11(3), p477 (Russ)
13. Focusing of rays between mirrors. Radiophysics, 1966 v9(5), 87-94, (Russ)
14. Optical resonator for laser with liquid active medium. JETP 1966, v50(1), p142-143 (Russ)
16. Construction of wave field with the help of the ray picture. J.Techn.Phys., 1970, v40(10), p2035
17. Acoustical modes in an ellipsoidal cavity. Acoustical Journ.,1970, v16(3),p372,with V.V.Elov (Russ)
18. Some modes in a cavity with spherical mirrors. Sov.Phys. Doklady, 1970, v191(6), p1257 (Russ)
19. Optical resonator, partly filled with nonuniform dielectric. Radiotechnics and electronics, 1970, v15(4), p705-709 (Russ)
20. Construction of wave field with the help of the ray picture with two branches. Radiophysics, 1971, v14(6), p880 (Russ)
21. Cavity matching and its influence on laser power. Quantum electronics,1971, N2, p53, with N.G.Vakhitov and others (Russ)
22. Optical delay line with three mirrors. Radiotechnics and electronics, 1972, v17, p1953, with S.S.Sasonova (Russ)
23. Splash regime and selfmodulation of quality in solid-state laser. Sov. Phys. Doklady 1972, v206(5), p1078
24. Ray motion in a laser cavity. Quantum electronics,1972,v9(3),p462, with V.K.Klinkov, S.S.Sasonova
25. Spontaneous emission in a periodic structure. Sov.Phys. JETP, v35(2), p269
26. Dynamical state of atom which is in a periodical structure. Sov.Phys. Doklady, 1972, v205(1), p60
30. Field delay at spontaneous radiation. Depon.VINITI N2383-79, 1978, p2-14, (Russ) withA.A.Zadernovskii
31. Special optical resonators. In book "Handbook on lasers" 1978, v2, p24-45 (Russ)
35. Quantum and quasiclassical regimes of laser generation. Quant.electr. 1982, v9, p1844, with G.V.Shepelev (Russ)
36. Ray motion in a laser cavity. Quantum electronics,1982,v9(3),p462, with V.K.Klinkov, S.S.Sasonova
39. Decreasing the natural spectral line width of quantum generator. Sov.Phys.- Lebedev Institute Reports,1984,N2,p1
40. Form of the hamiltonian and the initial conditions in radiation problems. Sov. Phys. Uspekhi v33(6), p418, 1984
41. Optimization of laser active elements of rectangular cross-section in relation to unwanted mode generation. Preprint N50 Inst. Appl. Math. P3-21, 1984 with A.L.Galkin, V.K.Klinkov, V.V.Korobkin, V.B.Mokrov (Russ)
42. Correlation properties of optical fields. Preprint Inst.Gen.Phys. N149, 1984, p1-14 with G.V.Shepelev (Russ)
43. Twenty five problems on the interaction of radiation with substance. Preprint N180 Gen. Phys.Inst., 1984, p1-5, (Russ)
44. On quantum state of laser radiation. 12 All Union Conference on coherent and nonlinear optics 1985, part1, p140, with G.V.Shepelev (Russ)
45. Wave propagation in plasma layers and filaments with amplification. Preprint N261 Gen.Phys.Inst., 1985, p1-23 (Russ) with F.V.Bunkin
46. Some features of superradiant operation of lasers with a filamentary plasma active body. Quantum Electronics, 1986, т.13(4), с.869-872, (Russ) with F.V.Bunkin
47. Radiation of atoms near the material bodies, Book, 1986, with G.V.Shepelev, Russ.
48. Quantum properties of laser radiation. Book, PhysTech Publishing 1986, Moscow, Russ.
49. Resolvent method in radiation problems. Preprint N15 Gen.Phys.Inst., 1986, p1-51, (Russ)
51. Subpicosecond spectroscopy of electronic transitions in diatomic molecules. Technical digest, Intern.Conf. Laser's 88, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, p6,with I.I.Tugov
52. Variational method without a basis set. Sov.Phys.Doklady 33, p418 (1988) (Eng)
53. Quantum peculiarities of the electromagnetic waves radiation, propagation and statistics problems, Book 1988,with V.I.Tatarskii, Kazan (Russ).
54. Description of quantum radiation by resolvent method. Ib book "Nonlinear spectroscopy of atoms and two atom molecules" 1988, p99-125 (Russ)
55. Defocusing as a means of light removal from an amplifiing medium. Third International Conference Trends in Quantum Electronics, Bucharest 1988, p256-257, with F.V.Bunkin, M.I.Djibladze
56. Causality violation in the Glauber theory of photodetection. Phys.Lett.A, 1989, v136(1), p77,with V.I.Tatarskii
57. Causality violation in the Glauber theory of photodetection. Bulletin of Ac.Sci. USSR, ser.Phys., 1989, v53(4), p789-792 (Russ)
58. Wave packets of macroscopic bodies. Sov.Phys.Doklady,1989,v34(10), p911
59. Signal-to-noise ratio in single-photon and multiphoton transitions. Sov.Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1989,N9,p11, (Russ) with V.K.Dubrovich
60. Properties of photocounts statistics for short observations times and short optical pulses. Sov.Phys.JETP, 1989, v69(2), p299, with V.I.Tatarskii (Eng)
61. To the theory of anomaluous Doppler-effect. Izvestia VUZ'ov, Radiophysics, 1989, т.32, с.385-388, (Russ) with B.M.Bolotovskii
62. Radiation at superluminal charge motion. Preprint N194 FIAN, 1989, p1-38 (Russ)
63. Radiation by charges moving faster than light. Sov.Phys.Uspekhi, 1990, v33(6), p477, with B.M.Bolotovskii
64. Second lasing threshold: onset of coherence. JETP Lett., 1990, v51(5), p292
65. Major peculiarities of squeezed light. in book "Intense Laser Phenomena and Related Subjects",1990,p330
66. Defocusing as a means of light removal from an amplifiing medium. J.appl. Phys, 1990,vB50,p233,with F.V.Bunkin, M.I.Djibladze
67. Experimental simulation of defocusing as a means for radiation removal from amplifiing medium. Quantum Electronics, 1990, v17(1), p5-7, with F.V.Bunkin, M.I.Djibladze (Russ)
68. Signal reflection from a mirror with a substantial quantum mechanical uncertainty of its position. Optical and acoustical review, 1990, v1(2), p173
69. On analogy between mechanics and optics. Preprint N114 FIAN, 1990 p1-28
70. Basic properties of squeezed light Sov. Phys. Uspekhi 34(10), p910-924 1991
71. Analogy between mechanics and optics Journal Sov. Las. Res. 1991, v12(1), p38-53
72. Laser probing of macroscopic bodies: nonperturbing quantum measurement Bulletin Ac.Sci. USSR 1991 v55(2), p308 (Russ)
73. Perturbation theory for resolvent as applied to problems in radiation theory. Sov.Phys.Uspekhi,1991,v34(2),p167,with V.I.Tatarskii
74. A nonclassical state of laser radiation above the threshold and the origin of coherence. Quantum Optics,1991,3,p283-303
75. Major peculiarities of squeezed light. In book "Intense laser phenomena and related subjects" 1991, p330-359, (Eng)
76. Observation of squeezed light and quantum description of the macroscopical body movement. Preprint of Int. Centre for Theor. Phys.(Trieste) LAMP/92/1
77. Calculations of wavefunctions and energies of electron system in Coulomb potential by variational method without a basis set. Preprint of Int. Centre for Theor. Phys.(Trieste) IC/92/194 with A.V.Gerasimov
78. Squeezed light and nonclassical motions in mechanics. Physics USPEKHI, 1993, v163, N9, p89-99
79. Observation of the squeezed light and quantum description of macroscopic body movement. Annales de la Fondation Louis de'Broglie, 1993, v.18, N4, p.453-476
80. Squeezed light and nonclassical motions in mechanics. Laser Physics, 1993, v.3, N6, p.1138-1147
81. Reflection of electromagnetic signal from a mirror with large quantum mechanical positional uncertainty. in book "Recent developments in quantum optics" 1993. Plenum Press, New-York, p.363-367
82. Radiation of atoms in a resonant environment. Book, Engl. World Scientific Publishing Company, 1993, Singapore
83. Photocounts as a manifestation of the Coulomb instability of an electric current at low current densities. Physics Doklady, v38(1), 1993, p35-36
85. Specific features of the interference of nonclassical light beams Laser Physics 1995 v5(1), p203-207
86. Photocounts and the catastrophe theory. Ann. Fond. Louis deBroglie v20(3), 1995, p331-358 with A.V.Gerasimov, V.O.Turin
87. Motion of an electronic wave packet in an electromagnetic field JETP Lett. 1996 V64(8), p561-566
88. Electronic wave packets in vacuum photodetectors and the possibility of observing them. JETP Lett. V63,N6, p429, 1996 with A.M.Prokhorov, V.O.Turin, S.L.Chin
89. Laser resonators, book, Engl., Cambridge Interscience Publishing, Cambridge, England, 1996 with O.O.Silichev
90. Laser investigations and Quantum theory J. Russian Laser Res. v.18(3), 1997, p.260-275
91. Vacuum and subsiduary conditions (links) in QED. Bulletin of RAS, ser.Phys., 1997
92. The motion of electron wave-packets in the cathode-anode field and the field of another electron Laser Physics, 7(4), p984, 1997 with Turin V.O.
93. Nature of subsiduary conditions (links) in QED. Annales Fondation L.deBroglie, v22(4), p423-440, 1997, (Eng)
94. Variance of a two mode field under parametric excitation conditions Quantum Electronics 1997, v27(11), p944-948
95. Characteristics of mode locking in a semiclassical cavity Quantum Electronics 1997, v27(9), p817-819 with A.M.Prokhorov, V.V.Savranskii
96. Electronic wavepackets motion in vacuum devices and their deformation due to Coulomb interaction between them. Quantum Optics 4, Poland 1997, Poster N53, with V.O.Turin
98. Specific features of the evolution of atoms in a two-frequency field Laser Physics v9(4), p923, 1999
99. Dynamics of electron packets and photocounts SPIE 1999, v3736, p151 with V.O.Turin
100. Laser detection of optical signals Quantum Electronics 1999, v29(12) p1096-1098
101. Laser detection of optical signals Preprint Gen.Phys.Inst. N6, 1999, p2-14
103. Photocounts and laser detection of weak optical signals. Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 385–392, 2001 (Eng&Rus). Download russian (131 Kb) / english (147 Kb) pdf version
103. Specific Features of Coulomb-Field Quantization. Laser Physics, Vol. 11, № 12, 2001, pp. 1343–1356. Download english (360 Kb) pdf version